1. Interferes With Creativity And Self Expression
Clothing is a big way that people express who they are and their personal style every day. School uniforms strip students of this right and can make them feel like they are being oppressed.
2. Comparison Is Inevitable
School uniforms require all of the students to wear the same outfits than they will compare who looks better in that outfit. This is especially true for girls, who are always comparing themselves to each other.
3. Cause Resentment Among Students
The majority of students do not want uniforms. If they are forced to wear them, without taking into consideration of the way that they feel about the situation, then they will begin to resent the school and the administration. This could cause behavior problems throughout the school.
4. Undermines a “Free Education”
Public school is a government service that is there to educate children, at no cost to their parents. By making school uniforms mandatory, you are requiring parents to shell out money for school uniforms in order for their children to attend school. This contradicts the idea of a free education system.