Thank you for your line Id and and Facebook. (: but I find your Facebook account I'm not sure about your name
Can you add me back? my Facebook is May Kritri' Thank you
Why not!! haha it's true, coconut milk with honey its weird taste. ok! I will say something like my friend
'Peter, you should try it!'
Haha How do I train arm reach? just try to touch the top of the door because it's high 200 cm (:
Amazing many places you have ever been to! so envy! I've ever been to China too when I was young but not Beijing or Shanghai. I visited Yunnan, its my dad hometown. I love there! I like living in a place with lots of natural features, such as forests, lakes and mountains.
I would like to know how about Germany, Greece and Holland when you visit there? I falling in love with Germany but I've never to. fantastic people and nice architecture. about Greece, are you visit Santorini? such a beautiful place! I really want to visit there, I will sure!!. I also would like to know about your country you living. oh I ask you a lot, sorry I'm just a curious girl. ><
Great to hear that about your opinion! I don't know how I say something to you just want to thank you for all you write to me, I read it again and again made me smile and would like to talk to you more than this. I never write long message like this before haha I guess I will be fluent in English soon (:
Can you reply my message on Facebook, it's convenience for you? if not just tell me