We are sorry to inform you that your image was not accepted.
With Instant we are building a unique collection with a specific feel.
We are looking for spontaneity, creativity and fun.
The subject of your photo should be unique to Fotolia Instant's database, or be of higher quality. For example, images of food, pets or flora must have added value (originality, creativity, spontaneity) to be accepted, as Fotolia’s database already contains a multitude of such images.
Here is a list of possible issues:
Moral Standards We cannot accept any kind of nudity in the Instant Collection. Erotic or even mildly pornographic images will be rejected.
Any image containing offensive or illegal material will be rejected.
Subject Matter
We are building a collection with a specific mood. The subject should be creative, spontaneous, original or fun. Take advantage of your mobile device!
Images must be neutral (ie, no frame, no text) in order to meet customer needs. You should also limit the use of artistic effects.
Please feel free to submit other photographs in the future for review.
Best Regards,
Team Fotolia Mobile