10% Lecture students and conduct my own workshop.
6% Apply the guidelines in planning, procurement, outsourcing, and equipment
6% Share information with medical equipment and health care technologists.
6% Improve my weak areas in the field.
3% Integrate all the district maintenance units in a coherent system.
3% Set up a central unit for procurement strategies.
3% Link up with the Health Infrastructure Division on ways in which it fits into
the National Health Policy and Plan under SWAP.
3% Develop a workshop of training and equipment activities.
3% Advocate for training and continued education in HCT.
3% Encourage purchase of better equipment management in my area.
3% Change some work procedures to improve work safety.
The percentages add up to more than 100% because some participants indicated more
than one planned use of the workshop information on returning to their jobs. Similar
responses were combined to assess the overall impact of the workshop. More than onethird of the participants planned to use the information to encourage decision makers to
implement a Health Care Technology Policy.