3. Results
The maximum 24-h averaged concentration within the study
area was 122 mg m3
, which is 72 mg m3 above the AQS. The mean
concentration across all monitors during the entire period was
22.4 mg m3
. The monitors' annual means ranged from 14.9 mg m3
to 30.4 mg m3
. The hourly mean for all monitors combined ranged
from 4.7 mg m3 to 73.4 mg m3
. The average from all monitors was
above the AQS during 113 h, and at least one monitor recorded
concentrations above the AQS during 224 h. The number of times
that each monitor reported concentrations above the AQS ranged
from 76 for monitor 29168 to 764 for monitor 29102. The maximum
single monitor concentration for each hour is presented for the year
in Fig. 2.
The e