A multimedia learning environment on immunization designed for the study by Um et al. (2012) in a version with warm, bright colors
and round shapes served as learning material. The relevant verbal information was given by narration. Additionally, the visual part of the
material incorporated structuring text elements, pictures, and animations. The learning content was presented in six chapters with a total
duration of 5 min. The pacing of the material was the same for all learners in order to hold learning time constant. The positive emotional
design (PD) was developed including anthropomorphisms as discussed above whereas the neutral emotional design (ND) used neutral
shapes without anthropomorphisms (see Fig. 2). The other emotional design element (color) that was varied in the previous studies (Plass
et al., 2014; Um et al., 2012) was kept constant.
A multimedia learning environment on immunization designed for the study by Um et al. (2012) in a version with warm, bright colorsand round shapes served as learning material. The relevant verbal information was given by narration. Additionally, the visual part of thematerial incorporated structuring text elements, pictures, and animations. The learning content was presented in six chapters with a totalduration of 5 min. The pacing of the material was the same for all learners in order to hold learning time constant. The positive emotionaldesign (PD) was developed including anthropomorphisms as discussed above whereas the neutral emotional design (ND) used neutralshapes without anthropomorphisms (see Fig. 2). The other emotional design element (color) that was varied in the previous studies (Plasset al., 2014; Um et al., 2012) was kept constant.
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