Ashley Ohyay
This type of binaural beat helps me with pain the best so far. :)
1 month ago•0
This will NOT at all compare with Opium for Pain, G-d knows what He's doing when he does something! I was getting Pain from this.
5 months ago (edited)•0
Universal Magic
* WARNING * DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS LINK WHILST DRIVING etc VERY STRONG BINAURAL BEATS FOR PAIN RELIEF These are especially for a friend in need right now. I only had this on for a few seconds and found it extremely powerful. Please do not listen to it whilst driving or playing with knives. This is a Binaural Beat Session with peaceful time lapse footage. Frequencies provided by the Spirit of Nexsque.
5 months ago•1
tony hoffman
You its kinda weird, ive been listening to a few brainwaves for a few weeks now, but i never seem to get the intended or suggested effect, like pineal opening, or higher awareness, but this specific brainwave is different! I cut the tip of my finger cutting potatoes for dinner, went to ER, yada yda yda... stitches, local anastestic, but when it wore off... the most god awful pain im my whole life, for 7 hours. This brainwave made the pain soo much better!!! Weather by relaxing or by releasing endorphins, it REALLY worked, thatnk you soooo much
9 months ago•0
Kevin Foley
Lovely, I'm very relaxed (/;
10 months ago•0
Jimmy H
whoa 3:30 in and I feel so relaxed
11 months ago•0
Alpha Centaur
1 year ago•0
Crystal Balentine
purely awesome!
1 year ago•0
Crystal Balentine
Is there a way I can download this video to my phone?
1 year ago•0
Osama gfl
+Crystal Balentine you can go to this link and copy the url of this video wher it must been then download it ;)
10 mont