I've met someone that add me from facebook, his profile's pic is very attractive. He works about shipping. He told me want to marry and have kids with me. He will see me soon and send me his air ticket. He had official duty before go to see me. During the journey (sailing), there are pirates block the way. He told me the sailing stopped until pirates've gone. He told that he took the valuable things, cheques and important documents. Then he sent the shipment to me and gave me the air way bill. (He had my address, mobile's number and email) but before I received the shipment I must pay the expenses (for custom) of Malaysia. Why is Malaysia? But I have not to pay for him yet. I want to know how scammers are working. And I will play their game. Step by - 2013-11-10
Scammers with profiles on Latin love search with many profiles pretending to be Spanish are using this ip. - 2013-12-03
This ip address may belong to a felon in san diego - 2014-03-08
How can I know who is this person??? Someone willing to help? - 2014-06-28