“I wanted to draw something so badly that I scribbled something, but…
It’s pretty frickin’ somber, isn’t it;
I drew this while listening to Troy Sivan’s Wild. The song is nice and the MV is pretty too~
Hahaha at this rate I think I’m going to forget how to draw…
But as expected, I don’t think about anything while I’m drawing, so that’s nice!
A few days ago, I received a very meaningful email.
Jihye-nim sent me some translated foreign messages.
Thank you, Jihye-nim ^^ Thanks to you, I was able to gather a lot of strength from reading those messages!
I see that FF has been receiving a lot of love even from overseas…
I still feel like I’m a very lucky person when I realize how so many people continue to send me encouragement.
Even if I’m not able to get through every single message
I truly wish to thank each and every one of you!”