Q. What are the surface burning characteristics of MemBrain?
A. MemBrain has been optimized to meet or exceed the surface burning requirements of the
International Building Code (IBC) fire resistant classifications for building constructions.
MemBrain has a Class A or I surface burning designation as specified by building codes and has
the following average flame spread characteristics when tested in accordance with ASTM E 84,
“Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials”, while
following the mounting methods described in Appendix X1, “Guide to Mounting Methods” and
Section X1.8, “Thin Membranes”:
Self-supporting, stapled to 1 inch thick, unfaced, rigid fiber glass insulation board:
Flame Spread Index (FSI) = 20
Smoke Developed Index (SDI) = 5
Supported by poultry netting placed on rods:
Flame Spread Index (FSI) = 15
Smoke Developed Index (SDI) = 55