Test of First Model (ROE)
Regression results of ROE model found that the variables of SBoard, IndepB and Manager have a positive impact with firm performance. Conversely, the variable OThLSh has a strong negative impact on ROE. This is because majority of Bahrain businesses are family owned.
The study further found that the variables OThLSh and ChCSEO were not affected by ROE. According to the control variables, the study found a clear positive relationship between Leverage and ROE. This is because, in an ideal level of financial leverage, a company's ROE increases because the use of leverage increases stock volatility. This increases the level of risk, which then increases returns. The control variables CSize and FirmAge were not affected by ROE.
R2 is 5.3% indicating that the sample defines the dependent variables in this model up to 5.3%. The F value for ROE is 11.779 and level of significance is 0.003, which is less than the standard deviation of 0.05. Thus, it can be inferred from statistical results that corporate governance variables have a significant impact on financial performance. Our paper finding of positive impact of governance on financial performance is in conformance with existing research results (Mitton, 2002). Mitton argues that good governance fosters good financial performance