The enviornment, Mother Nature, ecosystem, or even the earth, these are all good names for the place we live but no matter what we call it, it will always be God's creation. God the Father is perfect, Jesus is perfect, the Holy Spirit is also perfect, together they make up one perfect God. If all of God is perfect how can the things he thinks, feels, and creates not be perfect themselves. This is true when God created the earth he didn't create it sinful, there is no way he possibly could for God did not create sin. Therefore everything God creates will be created according to his image. In Genesis chapter one verse one it is proof that God created the earth, " In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”. This is hard evidence that God created it, so if God created the earth, it has to be perfect. So if God created this earth perfect, How then do we have so many problems with our enviornment today? You might say that man is the cause of the environmental problems we face in this world. You could possibly be right in saying that, if you are thinking of man and the way he is now. But, most people forget God created man, and if God created man how could he not be perfect. In Genesis chapter one it shows this, it says in verse twenty-seven, "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them”. There it is in plain letters, God created man, perfect. Why then, could have man sinned if he was perfect? Man sinned because God gave him a free will to do what he wanted, which was also what God wanted, until sin entered the world. Sin entered the world through the
devil; the devil is a fallen angel who also had a free will to do what he wanted in connection with God, until he decided it should be different. He was the first to sin, God damned him to an eternal hell, he is trying with everything he has to get all of the people he ca