・ If receive a roll call in an evacuation site, toward each workplace, check charge facilities; fire prevention
I perform facilities environment G measures, the second disaster hedge.
・ 化 which has fire equipment in use, flammable gas equipment in use, the toxicity on the occasion of facilities check
I give priority to study material equipment in use and carry it out.
・ If the second disaster occurs, report it to block length; the facilities handling responsibility of the applicable post
I cope in cooperation with a person.
・ It is a line by the securing of power supplies such as a task force (branch office), the information system room (generator start)
I am and secure an available means of communication. I give priority to restoration of the PHS in particular.
・ I confirm places to receive and discuss Chubu Electric Power and the correspondence if I have a problem.
・ For an environmental accident, I prepare for oil fence, the sandbag.