Initially, laboratory tests in a climatic chamber Dycometal minitest
CCK 2.5/100 (Dycometal, Spain) were conducted to validate the
RFID smart tag inlays. Two temperature ramps were programmed:
the first one from 25 C down to 2.5 C in 1 h, and the second one
from 2.5 C up to 30 C in 29 h.
For this validation, the data acquired by one rigid tag and one
flexible tag prototypes were compared with those acquired by a
commercial data logger, Tiny tag Ultra 2 (Gemini Data Loggers,
UK). The three devices were programmed to measure every 2
min, and were switched on at the same time.
Power consumption tests were also conducted to ensure enough
battery on the tag for the field tests. For this tests the packaged
prototypes were kept measuring temperature and humidity
every 15 min for 15 days. This period is longer than the time required
for the fresh fish logistic chain monitoring.