Postoperatively, K.A. had significant hemodynamic instability and required blood pressure support via aggressive volume resuscitation, vasopressors and stress dose hydrocortisone. K.A. failed to respond to the intervention, but he was too unstable to be taken back to the O.R. he was placed on multiple broad-spectrum antibiotics including meropernem, vancomycin, fluconazole and continouse penicillin infusion. Additionally, while the peritoneal fluid culture was negative, he was also being treated prophylactically for fungal sepsis.
On day 52, a surgical re-exploration was performed in our NICU. Multiple biopsies were obtained that revealed mulfocal areas of necrosis, but no organism was isolated. During this procedure, an additional 2 cm of small bowel was resected due to necrosis and his colon was resected from the hepatic flexure to the splenic flexure. Moreover,there waw reanastaosis of the small bowel to the descending colon. The reanastamosis had been done due to the inability to create a stoma, as the abdominal wall had been resected. In addition, drains were placed and a silastic patch wassewn in place to cover the abdominal organs. The goal was to use the silastic patch as a “silo”and place tension on it over time to encourage tissue growth and wound closure.