The present study investigates the status of forest degradation in the upper catchment of the river Tons in the Uttarakhand state of India, including Govind Wildlife Sanctuary and the National Park by the same name using remote sensing and the geographic information system (GIS). The study revealed that more than 50% of the study area is covered with snow and the alpine grasslands while 8.1% area is under agriculture. Degraded forest covers maximum area (53 km2), followed by moderately (30.4 km2) and severely degraded (26.8 km2) forests. The lower and middle slopes showed higher degradation than upper slopes due to multiple uses for agriculture, horticulture, agroforestry and grazing by the local people. Over time, the degradation and deforestation, without adequate protection, have led to severe soil erosion, biodiversity and the habitat depletion for a large number of rare and endemic species including loss of livelihood to the local people.