Dear Mr Mattana san
Thank you for your meeting with our Thai staff on 20th last Friday.
We are reported
(1) You need ownership transfer of tooling against the payment. It is a requirement by both of Thai accounting and Nissan internal rule.
(2) According to the BOI rule, the tooling imported BOI scheme cannot be sold in 5 years after importation.
(3) So, for your tooling payment, there are following three ways:
(A) to make tooling free from the BOI list paying import duty.
(B) to make tooling free by sending back tooling to Japan and re-import under BOI/Nissan name.
(C) to wait 5 years (tooling was imported in Jan 2012. So wait till Jan 2017.)
(4) Nissan is in a position to accept one of above A-C and also amortization on part.
Please confirm if there is no misunderstanding.
At the same time, please confirm if you can issue PO and make payment promise in Jan 2017 including interest one year in case that the above C is chosen.