the verpflichtungserklaerung is also no guarantee to get visa!!!! They told me here and you can read it on homepage of German embassy in bkk.In my invitation letter I write similar to the first time.We meet 2012 november in bkk.Me and my gf Kristina.Now we invite you to us in Munich.To see again and exchange medical stuff too.Because I am Dr and work for travel insurance.I deal with clients who travel to Asia.You are specialist for public health in thailand.Both is true.Now I wanna introduce you more to German health system.
And now more about Thai public health conditions.Know.But you and me are friend too....I wrote.Of course it's not true I live together with my gf Kristina.But maybe the story "we.Invite you " is better than. I invite you.So a couple invites you is better I guesd.Than single man.It's true I was in Bkk 2012 in November.We 3 met in peninsula hotel first .By accident.You can say.We meet there by accident .You was guest of hotel too.So we met there and talked to each other.Exchanged address ect.And now we invite you.At embassy they will ask you for 3-5 min why you want to go to Germany.You must be cool and tell them this story, if you are ok.And apply visa only for 2 weeks.Not longer.Tell them you have no longer vacation.Show them my invitation and tell them you can finance vacation by your own.But your German friends are so nice to pay for you.As written in my letter.If they ask you why no verpflichtungserklaerung from me, only if they ask.
You can say l- Volker - ask you if you need....But you say " no" because you can finance by your own.I think this story is good enough.Yes, I sent letter same ad this, a bit longer.
But from idea the same.In New letter I write I know you can finance this two weeks by yourself......But despite this I pay all cost in Germany incl flight back .German embassy says it's ok.Thai visa office is not interested in this.They don't care.Nothing to do with thai.Only German rules are like that.Thai office is happy if people stay in Germany .To be or not to be.....famous words from Shakespeare.If they ask you maybe can tell them you are interested in German public health system .Because I am PhD, internal medicine.Tell them I will show you around.....In hospital ect.