- Shipment on 18 Sep'15 to Siam Hikifune and receive on 23 Sep'15 in afternoon to delay because of on the weekend and go through the customs.
- In the Packing Instructions of 18 Set'15 Stock code number in packing does not match with W/O on the box sent.
- Hearsay from Hikifune Japan will transfer the work to Siam hikifune and begin on 1Oct'15 and we want to know of your plans to send a material in the future is when? Hikifune Japan stated that Siam Hikifune want to produce in every day 5,000 Pcs. for enough with to damage rate.
- SC 2062 plated be finished and only 600 Pcs have a good product, because have material defect was a lot and we will send SC2062 amount 600 Pcs. to you tomorrow and we wait shipment new materials for plating from you.