Cyclic voltamperometry wa s performed in a solution containing
5 mM of dimethanolferrocene and 0.1 M KCl. Ascorbic acid
electroanalysis wa s evaluated in 0.1 M KC l as well. Palmsens
Emstat potentiostat wa s used for those measurements with a
standard three-electrode setup. Reference electrode wa s a Ag/
AgCl/KCl 3 M. Counter electrode wa s made of stainless steel and
working electrodes had geometric surface area of about 12.6 mm2
For deposition of Prussian blue on nano fi bers, a solution of 5 mM
FeCl3, 5 mM K3 [Fe(CN) 6 ], 0.01 M HCl and 0.1 M KC l wa s used and the
deposition wa s performed for 60 s at 0.5 V.