Today I will makeover my boyfriend. His style is tall, dark color face smooth without the beard, dark brown hair, and a long hairstyle in moderation. He likes to dress comfortably and simple, but it looks nice. He liked to wear long sleeve T-shirt, jeans, long legs and wearing shoes, so I want him to wear a suit. The pants suit pants and leather shoes on his face with moustache. To see the difference between before and after is the first he has to look at, comfortable, simple, like children of ordinary teenagers not distinctive. But when after he dress up new He has a personality that look like the people in working on his face there has never been a moustache. Have it made him look mature and awesome. I like him the 2 style, because, first, viewed as a comfortable, simple, simple in style. Input to every situation, and as 2 him as an adult. And dressed modestly. Suit to various official or a suit to work.