Breakfast is most important meal. You should eat breakfast every day and breakfast, there should be useful. Every mornning you have to rush go to work or study
So breakfast of you should be fast and easy make, And healthy food by selection roll materials a good have quality, material in menu is 1) Tomato Sauce 2) Sausage 3) Boiled egg 4) Croissant , you can buy according to the marget.
Let’s go do this. Step 1. prepare materials is 1) Tomato Sauce 2) Sausage 3) Boiled egg 4) Croissant go on split boiled egg to be small pieces and split sausage to be small pieces too. Step 2. mix tomato sauce with sausage and boiled egg for fill croissant ,When done to be “ sauce fill -croissant ” Step 3. rip middle of Croissant to 2 piece, do not cut off completely Step 4. scoop sauce fill croissant on the inside croissant, make gussy up
When done to be breakfast fast. This is useful and easy make , you can do it at home , material is easy to find and the price , In morning you’ll just drink milk or juice to add a refreshing and get the value of food,
If you follow this simple advice, you can eat Breakfast on every day and body have energy, You can make Breakfast on every day and can make a person in my family eat or you love someone. we are to adventure in The would.