1. Swearing Is 0nly Allowed If Not Aimed or Excessive.
2. Text, Smiley and Doodle Spam Is Not Permitted on this Room.
3. Remember Not To Use Too Many Smileys In Your Name. [Max of 6]
4. All Advertisements May Result 1 Hour Ban. [Except Image/Youtube]
5. Do Not Pose / Impersonate Someone You Are Not.
6. Do Not Ask Or Bribe For An Upgrade/Promotion, You Must Earn It.
7. Be Respectful, Do Not Say Anything That May Offend Someone.
8. Do Not Ask For Xats / Days / Powers.
9. No Inapp. Images / Name / Status / Links Allowed. [May Result Immediate Ban]
10. No Caps 1-4 Words With Caps Are Allowed In Each Message.
11. Give Staff Respect, Do Not Argue With Staff And Their Decisions.
12. Do Not Ask for Kick / Ban / Unban Users.