Preparation of chitosan from fish scales was performed using the general method comprising of demineralisation,
decolourisation and deacetylation. Raw fish scales were washed thoroughly with water, dried in oven and soaked in
1% HCL solution for 36 hours. It was then washed dried in oven and kept in 2N NaOH solution for 36 hours for
demineralisation. Fish scales were then kept in Potassium permanganate solution (having composition 1g of KMnO4
in 100ml water) for 1 hour, followed by keeping it in Oxalic acid (having composition 1g of Oxalic acid in 100ml
water) for the process of decolourization of the experimental sample. These processes resulted in chitin as the
product which was further treated with 50% w/v NaOH for the process of deacetylation resulting in chitosan as the
end product (Figure-2).