5. Continuous monitoring of Pest Control and keep record. (Attention: Mrs Thongsamay)
6. Send Source Water and Finished Goods (Bottled Water) samples for analysis once every 6 months. (Attention: Mrs Thongsamay & Mr Lasavong)
7. Conduct Mock Product Recall once a year. (Attention: Mrs Saychai)
8. Conduct Management Review Meeting at least once every 12 months (after Internal Audit and before Certification Audit) and keep minutes. (Attention: Mr Bounlam & Mrs Thongsamay)
9. Ensure production operators wear proper uniform every working day. (Attention: Mr Lasavong)
10. Ensure Housekeeping activities are carried out daily (including waste disposal, drains, toilets, hand wash detergents, pantry, etc). (Attention: Mrs Thongsamay & Mr Lasavong)
11. Shelf-life monitoring: keep 4 bottle of water produced on a particular date. Send 1 bottle for analysis every 6 months. Repeat the process and keep record using GMP01-01a Water Shelf-life Monitoring Form. (Attention: Mrs Thongsamay & Mr Lasavong)