As you known that a place where is development of tourism based on wildlife watching, familiar for tourists visiting, and suitable wildlife exists can provide economic incentives, revenue for stimulate their businesses and fund for conservation of wildlife. In case of the Bird Park in Phuket, Bird Park Phuket’s officer or tour operators have to develop innovative products and create many interesting activities to promote this location to become more popular and to satisfy the demands of customers. They plan many channels of distribution for looking for more good chance and opportunities for example
- Many of tourist destinations such wildlife tourism should co-operate between the another businesses, private sector and government departments if they want to run and develop business easily such as offer the special promotion ticket for consumers who use AIS network, have good rumor by provide enough facilities to support and satisfying consumers from tour company which they already contacted , etc.
- Create an interesting brochure, trip and good environment to persuade visitors. They will become increasingly willing to take more an active interest in wildlife such as participating in conservation holidays.
- Giving good experiences and well educated in wildlife for consumers by information board.