In a prismatic society the traditional behaviour pattern coexists with new sets of norms. As a reult of overlapping of the formal and the effective standard of conduct, prismatic society's social interactions are characterised by a lack of consensus on the norms of behaviour. Sala officials may have entered service through higher educational qualifications and competitive examinations, but in regard to the matters of promotion and career development, they depend largely on ascriptive ties, as also the support of seniority, or on the influencfe of senior officers. These officers claim to apply modern norms in their bahaviour, but are different and reject all inconvenient norms in their day-to-day functioning. The public also takes the example of sala officials in their behavioural pattern and in general, plead for the strict observance of rules and regulations. But when their personal issues are involved they would either try to break the rules or plead for exemption in their favour.