Glasses have many technological applications due to their elec-
trical and optical properties. B2O3 is established as glass forming
oxide whereas Bi2O3 and V2O5 are conditional glass formers.
Vanadium doped glasses are known to exhibit semiconducting
properties. Growing attention has been given in the last two
decades to glasses containing Bi2O3 owing to their optical proper-
ties [1–6]. The properties of bismuth glasses were studied by many
authors to explain its role in glass structure [7–10]. Borate glasses
containing Bi2O3 posses a high refractive index, show large polariz-
ability, and high optical basicity [11]. These glasses have potential
applications in the field of glass ceramics, layers for optical and
electronic devices, thermal and mechanical sensors, reflecting win-
dows and superconducting materials [12]. The Bi3+ ion has small
field strength so Bi2O3 cannot form glass by itself [13]. However, in
the presence of B2O3 glass formation is possible. The large glass for-
mation region in bismuth borate glasses has been attributed to the
high polarizability of the Bi3+ cations. This property of Bi3+ ions also
makes the glass suitable as non-linear optical/photonic material
with high non-linear optical susceptibility [14].
Mixed alkali glasses are unique from the point of view that
certain properties change much more than normally anticipated
from what appears to be a structurally and compositionally simple
substitution of one alkali oxide for another. Mixed alkali effect in different physical properties is observed in silica, borate and phos-
phate glasses [15–17]. When two types of alkali metal ions are
introduced into a glassy network, a phenomenon known as mixed
alkali effect (MAE) is observed. It represents the non-linear varia-
tions in many physical properties, when one type of alkali ion in
an alkali glass is gradually replaced by another while total alkali
content in the glass being constant [18,19].
Considerable amount of work have been reported on bismuth
borate glasses [13,20,1,21], but in the presence of alkali oxides and
transition metal oxides, studies related to spectroscopic properties
have been carried out to a little extent. In view of the afore-
mentioned aspects, xLi2O–(30 − x) K2O–10Bi2O3–55B2O3:5V2O5
(0 < x < 30 mol%) glasses have been prepared and studied their opti-
cal properties to explore the relationship between the structure
of the glass and its macroscopic behaviour. Further, some physical
parameters have also been evaluated and their variation as a func-
tion of composition has been taken into account to supplement the
results of MAE in optical properties.
Glasses have many technological applications due to their elec-trical and optical properties. B2O3 is established as glass formingoxide whereas Bi2O3 and V2O5 are conditional glass formers.Vanadium doped glasses are known to exhibit semiconductingproperties. Growing attention has been given in the last twodecades to glasses containing Bi2O3 owing to their optical proper-ties [1–6]. The properties of bismuth glasses were studied by manyauthors to explain its role in glass structure [7–10]. Borate glassescontaining Bi2O3 posses a high refractive index, show large polariz-ability, and high optical basicity [11]. These glasses have potentialapplications in the field of glass ceramics, layers for optical andelectronic devices, thermal and mechanical sensors, reflecting win-dows and superconducting materials [12]. The Bi3+ ion has smallfield strength so Bi2O3 cannot form glass by itself [13]. However, inthe presence of B2O3 glass formation is possible. The large glass for-mation region in bismuth borate glasses has been attributed to thehigh polarizability of the Bi3+ cations. This property of Bi3+ ions alsomakes the glass suitable as non-linear optical/photonic materialwith high non-linear optical susceptibility [14].Mixed alkali glasses are unique from the point of view thatcertain properties change much more than normally anticipatedfrom what appears to be a structurally and compositionally simplesubstitution of one alkali oxide for another. Mixed alkali effect in different physical properties is observed in silica, borate and phos-phate glasses [15–17]. When two types of alkali metal ions areintroduced into a glassy network, a phenomenon known as mixedalkali effect (MAE) is observed. It represents the non-linear varia-tions in many physical properties, when one type of alkali ion inan alkali glass is gradually replaced by another while total alkalicontent in the glass being constant [18,19].Considerable amount of work have been reported on bismuthborate glasses [13,20,1,21], but in the presence of alkali oxides andtransition metal oxides, studies related to spectroscopic propertieshave been carried out to a little extent. In view of the afore-mentioned aspects, xLi2O–(30 − x) K2O–10Bi2O3–55B2O3:5V2O5(0 < x < 30 mol%) glasses have been prepared and studied their opti-cal properties to explore the relationship between the structureof the glass and its macroscopic behaviour. Further, some physicalparameters have also been evaluated and their variation as a func-tion of composition has been taken into account to supplement theresults of MAE in optical properties.
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