Spun-bond of PP luminous nonwoven with lumines- cent materials was successfully achieved and the proper- ties on polypropylene nonwovens with rare earth lumi- nescent material addition were studied. The results showed that the afterglow curve of the luminous non- woven was similar to that of strontium aluminate, and the intensity was more intensive than luminous nonwoven at the beginning. The addition of rare earth luminescent materials destroyed the surface of the fiber lightly but the thickness of the fiber was uniform from SEM photo- graphs. Differentail scanning calorimetry results showed that pure polypropylene has double crystallization peaks at 162.3 and 165.1 ºC and one peak at 161.7 ºC for the nonwoven containing luminescent materials. X-ray dif- fraction studies showed that the nonwoven fabricated with the luminescent materials contained the α-mono- clinic crystal and the presence of the rare amount of β crystalline phase. The nonwoven fabricated with the lu- minescent material did not affect the crystal lattice of the polymer. The breaking tenacity and elongation of lumi- nous nonwovens decreased marginally.