2BR02B is a phone number people can call if they want to be killed. At the hospital there is a man who is painting a mural inside the hospital. When the baby is born the man pulls out a gun and shoots the parents of the child and then calls the number.
This was a really weird book when I first read it. This is a very dark book that i wouldn't really recommend to anybody. It is not like any of Vonnegut's other stuff. I expected this to be a lot more science fiction that the book actually was.
I also didn't really like the setting. It takes place in the hospital waiting room, and in the hospital itself. It is a little boring because this is not a fast pace book. I would have wanted more of an action book. Though the hospital is a vital place for the book to happen i wish the setting had been more exiting.
I would recommend this book to anyone who liked the book slaughter house five, but none of Vonnegut's other writing. THis story is a lot darker than his other works. (less)