The marriage of the each country that has the distinction of culture, beliefs that are not the same. In western countries have beliefs about marriage. Like the color of the wedding dress, the bride general.But there's another bride too much, choosing the other colored cloth, used to cut the wedding dress, such as wearing a wedding gown white represents mate selection. Wear grey married refers to the long journey, wearing a black married means.Wearing the wedding dress green means be ashamed and don't want to see anyone. Wear blue married means to be honest forever wear pearl married means. Taking the busy life.This will help eliminate the bad things and make the earth. And help children descended. For months, popular for wedding is June because the word June from the name of the Juno goddess Juno queen of the wedding.The month is not popular wedding that may cause the time พวกนอกศาสนา. Celebrating the immoral. Is to start my life, and in the Roman period have the First of the date.The marriage on Monday will help healthy Tuesday as Wednesday well everything. The date should not marry is Thursday. Friday and Saturday.