Directory of Services (Guest Directory) Provided
1. A Directory of Services (Guest Directory) describing the various facilities and services as described
in 302.10 must be provided in each room.
2. The directory may be printed or electronic (i.e., provided on a television channel).
3. The directory must be provided at least in English, however other languages are encouraged.
Point Loss: 24
1. If any of the above criteria are not met, there is a 24–point loss per room.
“Do Not Disturb” Device Provided
1. A “Do not disturb” device must be provided in each guest room.
2. The device may be a door hanger sign, light indicator, key card insert, or any convenient device which indicates that the guest does not wish to be
that the guest does not wish to be disturbed.
Point loss: 6
1. If any of the above criteria are not met, there is a 6–point loss per room.
Electrical Fans
1. If the property does not provide air conditioning in the guest room, appropriately sized electric fans must be available.
2. Tabletop, ceiling, or floor fans are acceptable.
3. A minimum of one electrical fan for every ten rooms (10%) is required.
4. Guests must be able to retain the fan in their room for the duration of their stay.
Point loss: 60
1. If any of the above criteria are not met, there is a 60–point loss.