5) Hard files/Approved Application safeguard
- Location for keeping documents:
All approved debit /credit card applications are kept in the data processing and credit analysis section where they are secured with locked cabinets. The filling system is arranged for easy reference e.g. serial/referent numbers and date/month/year. Only two related staffs who are responsible for this section hold the cabinet keys.
- Duration for keeping documents:
All approved applications with customers’ supporting documents will be kept based on the standard practice for 10 years or refer to the Bank Master Policies.
- How to destroy:
All documents or documents related to customer information are required to be destroyed after the retention period stated above or at anytime required by Department. The mentioned documents will be destroyed by paper shredder machine before transferred to the waste baskets for further process of the Bank. The destroying process is required to be processed with the sign off and documented properly.