all cells are surrounded by a call membrane, which functions as a barrier between the call and its environment. The intracellular fluid,or cytopplasm, is a thick, colloidal fluid composed primarily of water withdissolved proteins, ions, and other constituents. Cells may have intracellular structures called organelles, which carry out specific metabolic process for maintaining several life functions.
Prokartotic cells are considered to be the more primitive cell type. Prokaryotic cells are very small. and do not contain a membrane-bound nucleus. The DNA of prokaryotic cells is in the form of a ring-shaped chromsome. Prokaryoter lack most other. membrane-bound organelles, and their metabolic functions are carried out in the cytoplasm. Bacteria and cyanobacteria are classified as prokaryotic cella.
Eukaryotic cells are larger and more complex than prokaryotes. They have a well defined nucleus which contains their nuclear DNA. In addition, eukaryotic cells may have numerous cytoplasmic organelles which carry out metabolic processes. All the cells of the multicellular organisms, such as plants, animals and fungi are eukaryotic, as well as the single-celled protists.
ln today's laboratory practice, you will utilize the compound light microscope (as you already learnt and practiced from the Lab Exercise l) tostudy the structure of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, including oftheir composed organelles and function.
theoldest life forms identified to date are prokaryotic cells (Fig.1). Prokaryoter are extremely small cells. ln order to view them, you will need to utilize the 100X oil immersion lens of your compound light microscope. This objective lens is very near the surface of the slide. This presents a potential problem, because as light
all cells are surrounded by a call membrane, which functions as a barrier between the call and its environment. The intracellular fluid,or cytopplasm, is a thick, colloidal fluid composed primarily of water withdissolved proteins, ions, and other constituents. Cells may have intracellular structures called organelles, which carry out specific metabolic process for maintaining several life functions.Prokartotic cells are considered to be the more primitive cell type. Prokaryotic cells are very small. and do not contain a membrane-bound nucleus. The DNA of prokaryotic cells is in the form of a ring-shaped chromsome. Prokaryoter lack most other. membrane-bound organelles, and their metabolic functions are carried out in the cytoplasm. Bacteria and cyanobacteria are classified as prokaryotic cella.Eukaryotic cells are larger and more complex than prokaryotes. They have a well defined nucleus which contains their nuclear DNA. In addition, eukaryotic cells may have numerous cytoplasmic organelles which carry out metabolic processes. All the cells of the multicellular organisms, such as plants, animals and fungi are eukaryotic, as well as the single-celled protists.ln today's laboratory practice, you will utilize the compound light microscope (as you already learnt and practiced from the Lab Exercise l) tostudy the structure of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, including oftheir composed organelles and function.IIIโครงสร้างของเซลล์ PROKARYOTICรูปแบบของชีวิต theoldest ระบุถึงวันมีเซลล์ prokaryotic (ภาพ) Prokaryoter เป็นเซลล์ขนาดเล็กมาก สั่ง ln เพื่อดูพวกเขา คุณจะต้องใช้ 100 X น้ำมันแช่เลนส์ของกล้องจุลทรรศน์แสงผสมของคุณ เลนส์วัตถุประสงค์นี้อยู่ใกล้กับพื้นผิวของภาพนิ่ง นี้นำเสนอปัญหาที่เป็นไปได้ เนื่องจากเป็นแสง
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