We have removed your video entitled (no title) uploaded at 10:42am November 5th, 2014. This video may include copyrighted material (such as a clip or audio) that you do not have the right to share.
If you think your video should not have been removed because:
- you are the copyright owner, or
- you have permission from the copyright owner to upload and distribute this material on Facebook, or
- you otherwise believe you are legally entitled to upload and distribute this material on Facebook
you may request an appeal that your video be reinstated by visiting the following link: http://www.facebook.com/legal/video_copyright.php?video_id=728584603893234
If you do not want to appeal, there is no need to take any action. Please be careful about videos you upload in the future. If they are identified as possibly containing copyright infringing material, they may also be removed. This could result in us temporarily or permanently blocking your ability to upload videos, or permanently disabling your account.
For more information about copyright and other intellectual property matters concerning content uploaded to Facebook, please visit the Intellectual Property section of our Help Center: http://www.facebook.com/help/intellectual_property