I never thought I would get to know people online so easily
Doing this every week makes me actually ask myself how I am doing
I like guessing who puts what in their Digital Moment
I just started using this strategy with my own class and they loved it! Grades 5-6 students really opened up and I used it on the smart-board
This is a great way to get students to express how they feel without words
I think it helps to decrease the kind of stereotyping that you can get when you meet people face to face
It’s really weird finally meeting classmates face to face and feeling like you already know them super well
When I used it with my own class it really helped me as a teacher to track where the kids were at
It’s a safe way to express how you are feeling inside, sometimes I think technology is less personal but this was really personal
I actually shared with my peers, which I usually don’t do in face to face settings
I found it interesting that you got to know people’s sense of humour, without any real cues like you would get in a f2f environment, like body language
My friends reached out to me on weeks when I was struggling
It levelled the field for me as the teachers did it too, so we could see who they were as people, which made me want to contribute more
Really valuable! Best course I’ve taken in this degree
One week my digital moment was about a family member who had died, but she really had inspired me to go back to school so, it was really good to share it with the group
I am amazed at how well I got to know my colleagues in this class; I’ve had some awful online experiences and this was a refreshing change