GBR is evaluated as a functional food because it is good
in digestion and absorption, and contains nutrients such as
(GABA) and ferulic acid in plenty as compared to
ordinary brown rice. Dried GBR offers an excellent
appearance, improved shelf life and handling ease.
Unlike white rice, GBR provides more sweetness,
excellent taste, has better texture and is easier to cook.
GBR was developed for marketing in Japan in 1995.
GBR products were developed and marketed first by
Domer Co. (Ueda City, Nagano Pref.) and the city
government, Mino-cho of Kagawa Pref., was one of the
earliest organizations engaged in the production of GBR. It
is now produced by several private companies including
agricultural cooperatives. During the last decade, about 49
items related to GBR have been patented. The method for
making GBR is quite simple. The brown rice is soaked for
one or two nights depending on the ambient temperature
and then germinated. This process changes the internal
minerals and the brown rice becomes more nutritious,
easier to chew and tastier. It has been reported that the GBR
may enhance brain functions and reduce level of lipids, or
fats, in the blood.