By 2035, even if a majority of humans do not self-identify as Transhuman, technically they will be. If we define any bio-upgrade or human enhancement as Transhumanism, then the numbers are already quite high and growing more. According to a new market research study, the implantable medical devices market will grow at an annual compounded rate of 8 percent from 2012 to 2018. This includes re-constructive joint replacements, spinal implants, cardiovascular implants, dental implants, intraocular lens and breast implants. This does not factor in new and emerging technologies and innovations that are growing exponentially and geometrically.
The future will be filled with digital implants, mind controlled exoskeletal upgrades, age reversal pills, hyper-intelligence brain implants and bionic muscle upgrades. All of these technologies will literally make us more Transhuman.
Along with the rising rate of atheism, this will cause Transhumanism to overtake Christianity by 2035. Evolutionary psychologist, Dr. Nigel Barber, argues that “more educated countries have higher levels of non belief and there are strong correlations between atheism and intelligence.”
Technology is accepted among religious and non-religious people around the world. There are roughly 2.2 billion Christians. The total world population is currently around 7 billion. According to a UN Telecom agency report, around 6 billion people have cell phones. This demonstrates the ubiquitous nature of technology. As human bio-enhancements become more affordable, billions of humans will become Transhuman regardless of religious beliefs.One of my favorite future technologies is haptic wearables. The future will be filled with tactile feedback. From smart screens to wearable smart suits, haptic wearables will introduce a new form of intimacy in the digital realm. An innovation agency called Kwamecorp has already created a primary module called BOND that should demonstrate this point.
Imagine wearing your future SmartSuit (yes you will…and you’ll wait in line for it) embedded with a very thin membrane of haptic micro skin stretch “nerves” and digital muscles. This “haptic skin” will not only sense and report stimuli, it will actually move! It could hug, squeeze and tickle the user. This would allow a connected remote friend or lover to send out a touch, and you would feel that touch in the suit. Imagine sending your friends, parents or lovers haptic hugs on birthdays and anniversaries. What a beautiful future!