Thailand has abundant resources in agriculture. That’s why there is rice cultivation across the country. However, pest of rice are a major problem that farmers' incomes decreased, cause of damage in national level. Brown planthopper, both embryo and
the adult brown planthopper, regarded as the number one pest of rice in central region of Thailand. This can destroy crops by inserting lips into tissue cells of rice and feed on xylem sab from rice’s phloem, in trunk area, just a few above water level. when many brown planthopper sab rice’s phloem then rice being yellow and dry like scalding occurs all clump or dry some part of clump in rice farm. Brown planthopper ‘s destruction create severe damage to rice grains and making the crops wilted, symptoms called "hopperburn".
The Brown planthopper was also a vector grassy stunt and ragged stunt disease from virus into the rice as well, cause rice is heavily damaged.