Looking at her, feelings of shame starting to build within Hiiro for fearing and being defensive against such a girl.
Though she is much older than he is, it seems like she is still a child. She demands someone to tell her something because she wants to know, and she becomes emotional because someone scolds her. That kind of child.
(Oi oi, what about my resolution up until now…) (Hiiro)
He became less tense and his set word almost faded, so he hurriedly concentrates on it again. If he were to let it disappear without activating it, he would suffer a and for six hours he would be weakened and unable to use . He definitely did not want that to happen.
However, he thought with this he’d be able to ask about what was on his mind earlier, so he begins to talk.
“Can I have a moment?” (Hiiro)
“W-What is it!” (Liliyn)
She looks at him with slightly inflamed eyes. He isn’t scared of her at all anymore. If anything, right now the atmosphere around her would make most people want to pat her on the head and make her feel safe.
“Haa9, well, what. I’ve accepted your apology for now, so about the topic from before…” (Hiiro)
“Are you going to tell me!?” (Liliyn)
She didn’t suddenly change expression, but she spoke with a smile on her face. Seeing that, Hiiro made a bitter smile and…
“…Before that, tell me one thing” (Hiiro)
“Mu…” (Liliyn)
She knits her brow with an unpleasant expression, as if to say “you have more you want to say?”.
“Ojou-sama” (Silva)
Silva, who had suddenly resurrected, spoke out to calm Liliyn. She sighs and waves her hand.
“Okay okay, I understand. However, after I answer your question you will tell me about yourself, right?” (Liliyn)
She glares at Hiiro with a look that could kill.
It may have been because he had seen her crying just now, but Hiiro does not feel intimidated at all. He could only see it as a child putting on airs.
“That depends on how you answer my question” (Hiiro)
“…Fun10, very well. Unlike others, I am open-minded. I will let you ask your question first” (Liliyn)
Liliyn says so pompously, and Silva apologetically bows his head.
“Then, my question. Akachibi11, do you…” (Hiiro)
“Wait” (Liliyn)
“What is it?” (Hiiro)
“W-What did you say just now?” (Liliyn)
“Ha?” (Hiiro)
“W-What do y-you mean by A-Aka-Akachibi?” (Liliyn)
Silva, who is standing next to her, is dripping sweat like a waterfall. He is panicking because it seems like all Hell will break loose.
“Of course I’m referring to you. You have red hair and you’re a pipsqueak, therefore Akachibi” (Hiiro)
“Hohou12… It seems like you want me to pulverize you into pulp…” (Liliyn)
One can sense an odd aura rumbling behind her *gogogogogogo*13, but the only one that notices it and breaking into a cold sweat is Silva.
“What, you don’t like it?” (Hiiro)
“Of course I don’t! Just who do you think I am!?” (Liliyn)
“A crybaby brat” (Hiiro)
“Ugu14… Y-You…” (Liliyn)
Liliyn’s face turns red and her eyes are full of rage.
“You hate it that much? Then how about Akaloli15?” (Hiiro)
“Ha? Hm? What did you say? ‘Akaloli’? What is ‘Akaloli’, Silva?” (Liliyn)
“Huh? H-Ha! Um, that is… Err, Akaloli is…” (Silva)
In his heart he believes that it most likely refers to a red lolita, but he doesn’t put it into words. Not knowing what to do, he desperately shifts his train of thought 180 degrees and thinks deeply.
“Mumumu, yes! It’s that! ‘Akaloli’ is a compliment, Ojou-sama!” (Silva)
“Mu? I-Is that so?” (Liliyn)
“Y-Yes! According to rumors, ‘Akaloli’ is a name granted to sweet, beautiful ladies!” (Silva)
“Hou, such a word is becoming popular outside, is it” (Liliyn)
She nods in understanding. Hiiro stares at those two with a blank look on his face.
“T-Therefore, would it not be good to accept it?” (Silva)
“M-Muu… Is that so…” (Liliyn)
There is not such word as Akaloli. Why? Because Hiiro just made it up on the spot. It is also not a compliment. It was nothing more than an easy nickname for him to remember. Liliyn, ignorant of the ways of the world, had no way of knowing that.
“Umu16, then I shall allow you to call me Akaloli! Because I am tolerant! Ahahahaha!” (Liliyn)
“I-Isn’t that nice! Nofofofofo!” (Silva)
Silva could not help but think that he was glad Liliyn was so simple.
“Oi, can I ask already?” (Hiiro)
“Mu? It’s fine, go ahead and speak” (Liliyn)
Hiiro feels relieved finally being able to return to the main topic.
“…Question. Are you the type that concerns yourself with and discriminates based on race?” (Hiiro)
“Ha? What nonsense are you saying” (Liliyn)
Hiiro remains quiet and looks into her eyes. Liliyn receives his gaze and makes a serious expression.
“Fun, race doesn’t matter. I just like the strong. If there is any discrimination, it would be based only on strength and weakness, kozou17” (Liliyn)
Suddenly a cunning expression full of experience could be seen on her small face. Hiiro understood that as the answer she came to, which she could state with confidence. He couldn’t believe this was the same girl that was teary due to getting scolded earlier.
“…I see” (Hiiro)
It wasn’t anything difficult. She was just a person that either had an interest in someone or didn’t, and whether that person was strong or not. She was a person that made decisions based only on that.
Silva looks at her with a gentle expression. It seems like an expression one would have looking at his own daughter. Hiiro thought that it would be nice if he always acted like a regular adult but also thought it was extremely unfortunate that Silva had a tendency to suddenly transform into a pervert.
(They’re a bit different from Ossan18 and Muir, but it feels like it’d be fine to speak a little with these people. However, I’ll have to have them promise fist) (Hiiro)
Thinking that, Hiiro places his hand on the bandages Silva wrapped.
“Oi, before I tell you about myself, promise me that you won’t tell anyone” (Hiiro)
“Don’t look down on me. Do I look like that kind of loose-lipped woman, you insolent peasant!” (Liliyn)
“Nofofofofo! If Hiiro-sama demands it, I will take it with me to my grave” (Silva)
“…I got it” (Hiiro)
Hiiro slowly cuts off the bandages. The other two look at him with a confused expression on their faces.