Results also shows the results of the multiple regression analysis with science achievement as the dependent variable. The regression model has a coefficient determinator R with an average value of 0.14. This indicates that 14% of variance in science achievement can be explained jointly by the three variables; inquiry-based, students’ attitudes and teachers’ support. F statistics, which test H o : R = 0 aresignificant (p < .05) for the regression model, that is science achievement (R = 0.14; p < .05). This means that at least one regression coefficient in each regression model differs significantly from zero. The t value for inquiry-based, students’ attitudes and teachers’ support are significant contributors to science achievement. The findings of this study indicate that students’ attitude is the best predictor (7.80%) for science achievement followed by inquiry-based (3.80%) and teachers’ support (2.40%) (Table 2).