Could you please resolve this issue.
As the value of the Purchase Order equates to the value of the invoice I am having trouble reconciling why exactly an SES is required.
Previous CB&I experience in the last three years:
CB&I Business Unit Work Location Job Size ($) Total Project Workhours
Do you perform work as an open shop, union shop, or both? If both, is it performed under the same name? If different names, list both.
Do you have any national agreements? Yes/No . If yes, with which crafts? (Copies of agreements may be requested).
If you are signator on local agreements, indicate the following:
Do you have any active partnerships/alliances? If yes, with who and for how long?
For each location, separately, attach a list of shop area by function and square feet. Indicate if area is owned or leased, open air shop area vs closed, hoisting capacities and manpower.
Company Auditor
Contact Address Telephone E-mail
Banking References:
Institution Address Telephone Contact
Do you have an established bonding/guarantee capacity? Yes/No Per Project $
If yes, please provide the following: