Network layer
The network layer will be IP (Internet Protocol), because there is no competition today on this level. The IPv4 (version 4) is worldwide spread and it has several problems such as limited address space and has no real possibility for QoS support per flow. These issues are solved in IPv6, but traded with significantly bigger packet header. Then, mobility still remains a problem. There is Mobile IP standard on one side as well as many micro-mobility solutions (e.g., Cellular IP, HAWAII etc.). All mobile networks will use Mobile IP in 5G, and each mobile terminal will be FA (Foreign Agent), keeping the CoA (Care of Address) mapping between its fixed IPv6 address and CoA address for the current wireless network. However, a mobile can be attached to several mobile or wireless networks at the same time. In such case, it will maintain different IP
addresses for each of the radio interfaces,
While each of these IP addresses will be CoA address for the FA placed in the mobile Phone.The fixed IPv6 will be implemented in the mobile phone by 5G phone manufactures