3.1. Perspective-based approaches
Almost 63% of the reviewed articles have applied a perspective-based approach. This approach assembles both generic performance measures as well as cause-and-effect hypotheses specifying the interrelations between performance measures. A perspective is a unique vision of SCM that is based on the researcher’s view [84]. Each perspective has its very own concept of the SC and its performance metrics. There could be a trade-off between measures of different perspectives [111] and [16].
Beamon [13] has presented a framework for the selection of an SCPMS in manufacturing. Resources, output and flexibility measures have been identified as fundamental components. However, it lacks systematic thinking, whereby SCs as a whole are measured. Lai et al. [70] have categorised metrics and developed a PMS on the basis of supply chain operations reference (SCOR) model attributes (i.e. reliability, responsiveness, flexibility, cost and assets) in transport logistics. Otto and Kotzab [84] have proposed a goal-oriented approach considering six unique perspectives of SCM along with a correlated set of performance metrics: system dynamics, operations research/IT, logistics, marketing, organisation and strategy. Nevertheless, some of the proposed metrics are not applied in business practice.