TSS are often used an indicator of fruit quality and maturity level.
Changes in TSS in pineapple of storage at different temperatures are
shown in Table 1. The TSS content increased slowly up to 12 days
and thereafter declined slowly in fruit stored at 6 and 10 ◦C, with no
significant difference observed between storage conditions. However,
fruit of storage at 25 ◦C, the TSS content increased up to 6
days and then sharp decline was noticed. After 24 days of storage
at 25 ◦C, there was only 10.21 ◦Brix in TSS in pineapple fruit, while
the values of TSS in fruit following storage at 6 and 10 ◦C remained
11.56 and 12.19 ◦Brix, respectively, and significant differences were
found in samples of storage between low and room temperatures.