Has it ever occurred to you that our work is rather like that of the Inland Revenue? We have a record of every family. We send someone to visit regularly and we have a definite cut-off date. The only difference is, of course, that, whatever about the people from the Tax Office we are universally loved.
Tonight it's time for our Christmas party and, it has to be said, you are the very essence of the Christmas spirit of giving. Over the last twelve months you have been hammering, sawing and gluing. You have dressed dolls, put whistles on trains and sewed in Teddy bears eyes.
You are also probably the most inventive workers of all times because every year you produce new "Must have" toys for boys and girls. You know all about the latest technology as well as about the age old dreams of children everywhere.
Tonight I want to thank you for your efforts this year. As you all know children these days have very high expectations. So it is not easy to please them. Yet you always manage to produce the goods that bring excited squeals on Christmas morning. I think that is really because you are still yourselves children at heart.
If that is the case you will love a party and tonight is the night for your annual bash. As you can see we have asked Jack Frost to help us decorate the North Pole especially for the occasion and it is glittering in the moonlight. Mrs. Claus has been busy too and I know you will agree that no social committee could have come up with a better feast than the one she has prepared tonight. You will understand why I cannot ever seem to diet when you see the Christmas cake and puddings she has prepared. I hope Rudolph will be able to pull the weight of my sleigh later tonight.
Just now, though, it is time to rest, relax and have fun. You will be able to chat to your friends and exchange stories and jokes. It's time to forget the order books and the administration of answering thousands of letters from all over the world. It's time for our parcelling department to put away the coloured paper and ribbons and put on their party clothes.
Some of you have formed an elves band this year and we look forward very much to dancing to the song you have just recorded. I believe it's called, "Santa's standing at the stocking that's hanging on the Christmas tree"
Worker bees are very much respected all over the world for their productivity. As far as I am concerned Santa's helpers are even better workers and I have the beautifully wrapped gifts on my sleigh to prove it. I thank you for the hard work you have put in during the year and I am sure that next year you will be even more productive and you'll probably record a follow up album too
Just now, though, it's your time, a time to be merry little elves. You are the very epitome of Christmas past and, I am sure, of Christmases to come. Together let's raise our glasses in a toast to the season you make possible and the night you make magical. Here's to Christmas everyone!
As Santa's elves you've been busy
Working so hard the whole year
Making the toys the children love
All wrapped up to be pulled by my deer.
You're dressed up and ready to party
Set on having a wonderful time
Singing and dancing and having a ball
While the Christmas bells they do chime.
So thank you for the work you have done
Now forget it, it's time to have fun
You're wonderful workers this is so true
And I am so proud of each one of you
You make Christmas for others my little elves
May it be happy too for yourselves.
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