not required for the lengthy memory testing experiment. Follow-ing the 24 h period, animals are automatically moved by air pushand linear actuator to the CS+/CS−T-maze choice point, allowedto choose direction, trapped in the testing tubes, and the memoryindex calculated (Fig. 5).3.3. The LATTS software interfaceBoth Arduino IDE and Labview applications are used to pro-gram all aspects of the automatic training and testing cycle (Fig. 6).The software interfaces operate the Arduino Uno R3 board tocontrol the pre-odor exposure time period, training phase odorantexposure period, CS+electric shock cycles (voltage, duration, trainlength and interval between repeat trains), time period to remainin the linear actuator elevator, rest period duration and T-mazechoice time. Fig. 6A shows the Labview computer-user interfacefor the learning pathway. Five separate front panel areas enableprograming of all experimental parameters. The user selects the“Activate Learning Test” button to conduct the automated learningtrial using the parameters coded (Fig. 6A). Fig. 6B shows theLabview computer-user interface for the memory application. Forthis pathway, the computer interface also programs the spacedtraining intervals and time period in the resting tube (Fig. 6B, boxesh and i). Box (i) sets the training phase parameter for the numberof spaced training cycles to be completed. For a long-term memoryexperiment, 24 h post-spaced training rest time is needed, but therest period duration parameter can be changed in box (h). Theuser then selects the “Activate Memory Test” button to conductthe automated memory trial using the parameters coded (Fig. 6B).Once the full set of parameters is entered for either learning ormemory pathways, they can be saved for repeat use of the program.The software is designed to be user-friendly and as self-explanatory as possible (Fig. 6). Flexibility has been built in atall levels for user-defined changes throughout both the learn-ing and memory pathway interfaces. Control software allowsoperator-input variables to define parameters of Drosophila learn-ing, short-term memory and long-term memory assays. TheLabview user interface environment is based on user-defined appli-cation blocks in the front panel (Fig. S18A). The Arduino IDEuser interface employs code directly loaded into the Arduino Uno