In order to become a nurse. We have passed the point like, with a step towards other career that is to learn. Experience as a basis for advanced study. Which takes the average grade in the exam in the quite high.It is true that this job mainly women. But part of it is a boy. With a magnificent image of women in uniform white light, beautiful face, and obedient, sacrifice, kind, have mercy.This unique gaining. 'dream' to be a nurse occurs. In the next part is experienced directly to the nursing profession, such as Feel grateful. A feeling of wanting to do some became the goal to focus in the future. this steady aim our intention and happy excitement to step up dreams. that we will grow to become a good nurse.Take care of you is the important strength that we step into the profession. To dream and patient with difficult to learn and experience through it. And because nursing is a profession that much. Even if there is a dream.