This test cross population was planted on the
NIFOR Main Station, near Benin City, Nigeria in three
trials between 1987 and 1993. The experimental design is
a Randomized Complete Block Design with 3 to 6
replications. The extension work seed (EWS) was used as
a control in each trial.
Data were collected for a seven year period
(1999-2005) with respect to bunch yield; fresh fruit bunch
(FFB), average bunch weight (ABW) and number of
harvested bunches (BN). Components of bunch and fruit
quality (fruit to bunch (F/B), mesocarp to fruit (M/F), shell DISCUSSION
to fruit (S/F) and kernel to fruit (K/F) ratios) were analyzed
as outlined by Rao et al., [8] on individual palm basis.
For each progeny in each year, the mean bunch
yield and mean values of the fruit and bunch quality
components were computed in accordance with the ,
experimental design. The progeny mean values were
fitted into frequency distribution using the SPSS software
package version [9].