Lee Hyun tossed his head.
Though, he’d actually feel disappointed if the Dark Gamer Union had these information on Sculpturing Skill instead.
“It'll be troublesome if there’s a more outstanding Sculptor than me out there.”
While a side of him feel relieved, Lee Hyun was searching for more information.
Even if the information wasn’t directly related to what he wanted to find, they could help him indirectly by providing some clue.
-Skill gap of Blacksmiths between each kingdom.
-Unresolved craftsmen’s quests.
-Characteristic of wandering NPCs.
-Blacksmith of the legendary kingdom.
-The birthplace of art.
Lee Hyun stored the information carefully in his head.
Once the appropriate information is obtained from the Dark Gamer Union, all that is left is to solve the presented problem.
Afterward, whether it was the library, the Sculptor Guild, or anywhere else, he had to find out the reason as to why these unknown beings have to be carved.
Lee Hyun knows of the possibility that there is a solution to the presence.
He figured there must be lost traces of the Sculpturing skill.
“Need to get back Royal Road.”
But before that, he checked on his messages. Last time, he sent a message to a person looking for the Paskran Lance.
Sent by: Hyperman
Subject: Do you have the Paskran Lance?
Was the replied message.
“You replied fairly quickly.”
Lee Hyun clicked on the title he saw.
If you have it, please, pleeeaase sell it to me.
I will send you the money.
The amount of cash I have right now is approximately 1500000 Won.
If your intention of selling for more than this, then we can somehow negotiate for the price.
Please reply quickly because I’m very anxious right now.
“Keoeok! 1500000 Won!”
Lee Hyun’s heart jumped out of his chest.
The experience he had when selling his account for 3900000000 Won. The price was rather too extreme to be consider as something realistic. But pretty soon, it was something that was quickly deprived from him.
However, 1500000 Won seemed more pragmatic.
A whopping of 15 crispy 100000 Won bills to receive.
“If I put this money into savings, then at an interest of 7% on the money…I can get more than 100000 Won in return…I missed a jackpot!”
Lee Hyun was so sad.
Adults often say that money isn't everything in life. Lee Hyun too, concur with this sentiment.
“Money is not everything in life. It’s roughly 98%. The other 2% are desires, consideration, friendship, and promises.”
Lee Hyun reflected on the painful memory he retained about the 200 Won he wasted by buying the more expensive salt.
But he just missed out on the chance of getting 1500000 Won!
Lee Hyun could not sleep that night.
“Ahhhh my money! ohhh God noo! 1500000 Won!”
Along with the Light Tower, pretty soon, the Freya Statue was referred to as one of the two main attractions of Morata.
“This is the Freya Statue huh.”
“This statue that swept the entire continent isn’t even rare. But even though each denomination had their statue built, this was the first a thing like this was made by a user.”
“The Clergymen told me they received substantial benefits.”
“I heard that those of the melee classes doesn’t even want to leave Morata’s vicinity because of the Light Tower.”
“Even if there is a better hunting ground elsewhere, with the effect of the Light Tower, you shouldn’t even bother going anywhere far. By the time you get there, hours of the effects’ duration will be gone.”
“Yep. If you’re talking about effectiveness of the hunting grounds, then the places near Morata are the best. You can even find members for the party immediately in town.”